SuperMan, Batman, Spiderman all be aside, here comes the Reh-MAN. Now Rehman has won 2 Grammy awards. He won Oscar, BAFTA critics’ award & Golden Globe already. I don’t need to say anything else Award list says it all. Man is really a power house of talent. From "Roza" to "Slumdog millionaire" he has come a long way. That's all the praising words I have for the genius.
Let me confess one thing, I struggle with "words of praise" for everyone. I am natural critic after all. I am more comfortable criticizing the people than praising them.
Let me start. I agree that rehman deserve all the awards given to him. But don't his music well enough in "Roza, Dil se & Taal". But there is a twist in the tale. You need to work in Hollywood movies to get recognition. It is not a bias, just the fact. Like we don’t give Filmfare to "Titanic" or "Brave heart", similarly only one slot is available for all foreign films in Oscars that is "Best foreign films". There is no other exclusive Oscar for "Best music, Best director, Best actor" for foreign film category.
Having said that, music & other art is immeasurable. There is no unit of music. What seems right to me may be good for others.
I am feeling like saying whose silly lines "Proud to be an Indian". But sometime these lines make me feel inferior. If we (Indians) not felt so inferior, Will we repeat it again & again? I don’t think so.
More inferior you feel about your country, more you will utter those lines. I will see more Kenyan saying "We are proud of being Kenyan" than an American saying the similar thing about US.
It doesn't mean "I should not be proud of India", but it should be more from within than on tongue.
India, country of 1 billion people goes crazy when an Indian wins a Olympic gold medal & rightly so as that was first time that India won individual gold in Olympic. On the other hand an American (Michelle Philips) was winning Gold medal everyday in different swimming styles.
Now poet in me whispering into my mind, Importance of a thing lies in its rarity. Isn’t it?